5.06.01 : Well, as you can see I'm still kind of learning
to draw stuff and, as such, you're going to see some fluctuation
of styles in the weeks to come. Hopefully, I'll find my groove and be
able to offer a higher quality product in the future. (In the
meantime, it gives me an excuse to buy cool stuff from Hobby
Lobby ... experimentation and all that).
5.05.01 (later in the day) : Good show today, but I sure wish it wasn't so early in the morning! I was in the station by 5:30, Kurt with me. Ah, there's nothing like waking up with Disney music in the morning!
05.05.01 : All roighty, now that we've gotten the schedule straightened out...we're in business, roight? Roight. Well, yes I know Kerry doesn't look the same from the first comic into the third. As Kurt said in the 'about' section, this is an experiment. I have a *very* hard time making my characters look the same, so you may see Kerry go through a variety of artistic phases. Needless to say, this might cause confusion, but I'll do my best to make it as obvious as possible who she and the other characters are. Maybe my art will improve to the point that all the characters will look the same. *G* ^_^
05.04.01 : Apologies gentle readers. As Amanda and I are
still getting a feel for what we're capable of, today's
scheduled comic will be up tomorrow. And, as of now, the update
days are being changes from Fridays and Sundays to Saturdays and
Sundays. Thanks for hanging in there with us.
05.01.01 : Yep, still working on the site. Kurt's gotten
the forum up, so if you're interested, feel free to post there.
He's currently working on links, and, of course, the news is up.
I added my part to the 'about' page and soon we'll be getting
together the 'cast' page. We're going to do our best to shoot
for updating twice a week. We're looking at doing updates on
Fridays (for my drawings) and Sundays (for Kurt's drawings).
Our styles are quite different (he's better)
{editor's note: no he isn't} so you'll be able to tell whose
is whose. :) Anyway, the plot will be thickening.
I've decided to do my portions more like a graphic novel. I
guess it comes from having written this as a story rather than
just an outline; there's just too much detail I want to put into
it and my drawing just isn't good enough to convey everything.
Perhaps I'll improve on this as I go along.
4-28-01 : Still putting the site together. No news to speak of as of yet. Stay posted though. Info and updates will be posted here - Kurt |